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  • Ramadan Rexhepi, Ferizaj 70000
  • 09:00 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday)

Medical Solution

Medical Equipment and Automation

Improved patient care

About Us

During the past years, the team members of ATOM-MED have managed to establish excellent relations with a considerable number of foreign companies. This helps us to be able to supply the public and private market in Kosovo with a wide range of medical products. We supply medical equipment and laboratory products to the Ministry of Health, hospitals in Pristina, Pejë, Prizren, Gjakovë, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Vushtrri and Mitrovica, about hundreds of family medicine centers, private hospitals, private clinics, private laboratories, diagnostic centers, of radiology and so on. We have managed to create many contacts and friendships with leading doctors and managers in hospitals and private clinics throughout the territory of Kosovo.


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DNARNA UV cleaner box

Ky model është i tipit stol, i punuar me kornizë metalike, mure pleksiglas dhe sipërfaqe pune të lyer me smalt pluhur. Kutitë e pastrues UV janë të pajisura me një llambë të hapur UV të instaluar në kapuçin e sipërm. Rrezatimi UV nga llambat e hapura dezinfekton zonën e punës duke inaktivizuar fragmentet e ADN/ARN-së gjatë 15-30 minutave të ekspozimit. Një kohëmatës dixhital kontrollon kohëzgjatjen e rrezatimit të drejtpërdrejtë UV. Një llambë e ditës siguron ndriçimin e duhur të sipërfaqes së punës. Kutitë e pastruesit UV janë të pajisura me një pastrues baktericid UV-riqarkullues AR, i cili siguron dekontaminim të vazhdueshëm brenda kutisë gjatë funksionimit. Ato rekomandohen për operacione me amplikone ADN/ARN. Pastruesi UV-riqarkullues AR përbëhet nga një llambë UV, një ventilator dhe filtra pluhuri të organizuar në një trup të veçantë për të mbrojtur përdoruesin që punon kundër dritës UV. Recirkulatori rrit densitetin maksimal të dritës UV duke e bërë atë mjaftueshëm efektiv për inaktivizimin e ADN/ARN-së. Recirkulatori UV përpunon 100 vëllime të kutisë së pastruesit UV në orë, duke krijuar kushte të përhershme aseptike të funksionimit brenda kutisë së pastruesit UV. Tavolinat lëvizëse T-4 të caktuara posaçërisht (me bravë rrota) me sirtar janë në dispozicion sipas kërkesës. Përparësitë e kutive të pastrimit UV Biosan: Dekontaminim UV me densitet të lartë pa ozon Llambat UV me jetëgjatësi (mesatarisht 9000 orë) Fikja automatike e llambave UV kur hapet ekrani mbrojtës Riqarkullues baktericid i tipit të rrjedhës që siguron dekontaminim të përhershëm brenda kutisë së pastruesit UV gjatë funksionimit Zhurmë e ulët, konsum i ulët i energjisë Tavolina për montimin e kutive të pastrues UV Kutitë e pastrues UV me pastruesin baktericid UV-recirkulues AR është zgjidhja e patentuar Biosan

DocUReader 2 PRO

Urine analyzer for 11 parameters

Performing urinary in the easiest and most effective way

New Docureader 2 Pro is created for doctors' offices and smaller laboratories to read and evaluate U11 Plus Labstip Test Stretches. Although the instrument is intended for in vitro diagnostic use by qualified doctors and laboratory staff, no special training is required to use them.

Docureader 2 Pro is the ideal choice for point-of-care urinalysis testing.

The compact design of this lightweight instrument offers the broadest features and highest flexibility available in any desktop-sized urinalyzer. The system offers excellent accuracy, simple operation, high flexibility and connectivity, as well as enhanced safety and quality control functions.
  • Up to 120 tests/hour in fast mode or up to 50 tests/hour in normal mode
  • Simple, intuitive operation through a color touch screen
  • Automatic start of measurement from tape detection
  • Flexible, customized testing and reporting options
  • Excellent accuracy from patented measurement technology
  • Easy data entry and effective data management
  • Simple documentation through lis
  • Easy and flexible integration by extended connection
  • Advanced QC and security features help drive compliance

Features and functions

  • provides the highest standard of POCT systems; Suitable for laboratory testing and close to the patient, too
  • Easy and hygienic operation by the Autostart function
  • User-friendly software with a high level of customization
  • Enhanced clinical utility with manual input of color and turbidity from a predefined list or additional comment
  • Results flag and recommendation for additional sediment assessment
  • Large memory capacity with sophisticated filtering criteria (date & time, sample ID, patient ID, status, values)
  • Accurate data entry and reduced transcription errors through optional barcode reader and external keyboard
  • Simplified documentation from LIS Connectivity; Automated output and worklist transmission via a wide range of data interfaces and standard communication protocols
  • Optional external Wi-Fi connection
  • Advanced quality control functions; Automated QC analysis with optional QC lock function or QC test memories and part code information support
  • Advanced system security functions; Programmable operator management provides customized access levels & amp; prevents unauthorized use
  • Ready made future; Software and language updates are easily done via USB Stick

FAN hp

For an easy and reliable detection of Helicobacter pylori infections. The FANhp is designed for easy testing of H. pylori from bagged breath samples. For other 13C test protocols and the use of an automatic sample feeder, the well-established HeliFANplus and FANci2 range of FAN devices are recommended. FANhp was developed for physician practices, screening centers and hospitals that want to introduce 13C-urea breath testing for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infections at a reasonable cost. Simply connect the base and sample bag to the 2 ports and tap the start button on the touch screen to start the measurement. The result and diagnosis proposal will appear within 5 minutes. The result can be automatically printed from the built-in printer. For recording a daily log or a system test, the data can be downloaded to a USB and transferred to a computer. No computer required, all operations are performed via a touch screen operated with gloves. Easy to read and bright TFT display. Only four buttons on the desktop (Start, Results, Linearization, Settings), all functions created with icons → easy and direct operation in daily practice, low training requirement. Adjustable positive/negative cut-off for all H. pylori test kits on the market that can be used with bags. Connected wireless barcode scanner to import patient or test IDs. Automatic correction of negative values created by accidental inversion of the base and sample bags. If desired, results are printed immediately as soon as they are available. 300 patient results can be stored in memory, allowing data to be recorded as a daily diary by printing or exporting to a data store. Built-in self-test at the touch of a button. The device is ready for daily operation after running the "Linearization" process in the morning (10 minutes = a cup of coffee). Consumables: bags, absorbents (about 1000 samples), Nafion® tube (per year), air filter (per year) CE certified Service interface for software updates and maintenance (from the distributor). Accurate, reliable and durable: fully following the tradition of "Made in Germany" by FAN. Attractive price due to concentration of features and functions.

Hipro A3

Three tests within 360 seconds
Principle and Implementation
It is based on the specific reaction of antigen and antibodies. The reaction reaction will occur as a combination of antigen and antibodies, thus enhancing the value of the distribution of light/ absorption/ fluorescence. Assuming that the concentration of antibodies has been resolved, we are able to adopt the technology of the fotal sensor to calculate the concentration of the antigen. Is applicable to the whole blood test of the reactive protein C (CRP), glycosilled hemoglobin (HBA1C), urinary microalbumin (Malb), homocysteine (HCY), D-dimer, anti-stretolysis (ASO), rheumatoid factor (RF) , Homocysteine. four cardiopathy tests and five immune analyzes, etc
Technical features
Globally 3D advanced 3D nepelometry technique, real -time test on 4 channels
Complete blood test, completed in 1-5 min
Integrated calibration, continuous temperature and quality control system, provide accurate results
Intelligent bubble that recognizes the technique, stable test results
Test channel water test function, reliable system performance
The three main technologies of innovation
Automated platform:
Integration of multiple test methodologies
Automatic laboratory platform
International reagent
Full function module:
Single module capable of all functions, combination of modules 1-48
Proper laboratories for all sizes, scaling for cost savings
3 -level calibration system:
Physical calibration from standard fluid tracked in Ansi
Calibration of Standard Distance Curve
System calibration by custom quality control supplied by Bio-Rad
Full Automatic Testing Process: Initial Temperature Discovering, Starting the Rapid Heating Mode, Reading 2D Code, Sample Mixture and R1, R2 Injection and Mixture, Test Temperature Confirmation, Methodology Confirmation, Control Calibration of quality, testing, data screen, Link connection to Lis, Report printing.
Maximum performance, minimum space space: 1nm (340-860nm); CV < 1%
Data Interfaces: LAN, Lis/Hi, RS232, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB, SD
Power: AC 100 ~ 265V
Volume: l xw x h: 385 x 305 x 353mm
Weight: 15 kg

i-SmartCare™ 10

Karakteristikat dhe Përfitimet Sistem POC me fishekë të vetëm të gjitha-në-një me shumë teste për testimin e gazit të gjakut të plotë Nuk kërkohet mirëmbajtje ose shërbim teknik në vend Përmasa të lehta dhe kompakte, të optimizuara për POC GUI intuitive dhe e lehtë për t'u përdorur me udhëzime grafike, zanore dhe vizuale Bateria e integruar me kapacitet të lartë lejon lëvizshmëri dhe testim të vazhdueshëm (jeta e baterisë 2 orë) Sistemi i fishekëve "gjithë-në-një" përmban të gjithë reagentët e nevojshëm, mikro-sensorët, lëngjet dhe mbeturinat duke lejuar menaxhimin dhe ruajtjen e lehtë dhe të thjeshtë në temperaturën e dhomës Gama e gjerë e madhësive të fishekëve lejon standardizimin e platformës dhe përdorimin efikas në të gjithë vendndodhjet e Spitalit Siguron rezultate të sakta të testimit përmes kalibrimit automatik dhe monitorimit të performancës së sistemit Mostrat e shiringave, kapilarëve dhe QC pa përshtatës Skaner dhe printer i integruar i barkodit Sonda e mostrës vetëpastruese parandalon ndotjen ndërmjet mostrave Koha e shpejtë e kthimit me rezultatet e testit të pacientit në 50 sekonda Rritja e përdorshmërisë duke ofruar GUI shumë-gjuhëshe dhe udhëzime zanore Zona e ndriçuar e marrjes së mostrave për testim më të lehtë në kushte afër pacientit Sistemi i Menaxhimit të të Dhënave i-SmartCare™ 10 (*) lejon monitorimin dhe menaxhimin e pajisjes, mostrës, QC-së dhe operatorit nëpër instalime të shumta përgjatë instalimeve të shumëfishta Monitorim, menaxhim dhe raportim automatik dhe i vazhdueshëm i cilësisë me Sistemin e Menaxhimit të të Dhënave i-SmartCare™ 10 me CareQM (*) (*) në zhvillim


Ensuring first class protection for operator, environment and product, MN Series Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets are the instrument of choice when handling hazardous microorganisms or those whose hazard level is unknown. The window can only be set at a safe position. There is no sliding of the window to wear out or split the seal and a gas spring holds the window firmly closed (or open for easy access cleaning). An optional closing panel with UV light directs the light into the chamber with the source close to the work surface where contamination is most likely to be the highest. White walls for non-glare illumination, rounded corners for ease of cleaning, arm rest for working over long periods without blocking the air intake and low noise level make MN series cabinets a pleasure to work with. The electronics compartment is sited outside of the contaminated zone for servicing and the two HEPA filters can easily be exchanged. DETAILS First class protection for operator, environment and product. Microprocessor control system with digital display for air flow speed. Automatic speed compensation system against clogged filter. Alarms for: Power failure, control system failure, open window, low and high air flow speed, clogged filters. Perfect air tightness of window seal by means of gas spring assisted window. Comfort of usage with very quiet blower and high light intensity. Smooth chamber walls and rounded corners without soldering for easy cleaning and decontamination.

Nexus IB10 Analyzer

Point of Care Analyzer
The Nexus IB10 is a high-quality, fast, easy-to-use point-of-care instrument for clinicians who need to make decisions in a high-stress, complex environment, providing test results in 20 minutes. The IB10 has an innovative design that makes all steps easy for the end user.
The Nexus IB10 is an immunoanalyzer that quantitatively measures antigens or antibodies in whole blood or plasma samples on a dedicated test disc. The Nexus IB10 system combines chemistry with microfluidics and centrifugal flow to separate cell-free plasma from whole blood. The plasma is then moved through a channel, mixed with the immunoconjugates, and quantified.
The automated testing process allows for fast and accurate test results with minimal maintenance.
Results are reported in 20 minutes
An intuitive user interface with minimal user interaction
Small footprint for optimal use of space
Built-in self-test function minimizes maintenance
No sample preparation is required. Blood separation is done on the Nexus IB10 instrument
Test discs stable at room temperature for up to 30 days* (*Consult individual IFU product)
Connect to Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)
Built-in thermal printer
Consumable disk
The sphingotest ® disc combines chemistry with centrifugal microfluidic flow to rapidly prepare cell-free plasma from whole blood, which can then be flowed through a channel to rehydrate, dissolve and mix with freeze-dried immunoconjugates.
Using a combination of active flow and capillary action, the test is ready to be quantitatively measured in 20 minutes with an optical signal level proportional to the analyte concentration.
After adding the patient sample, the entire test is performed within the Nexus IB10 analyzer which controls disc temperature as well as sequence, measurement duration, centrifugal flow, mixing, incubation, timing, final signal measurement, quantification and reporting of results. The drive also includes an internal positive control to ensure that the test equipment has functioned properly.
Each lot of disks is calibrated for the specific analyte to be measured to ensure lot-to-lot variability is minimized. The lot-specific calibration along with additional information such as lot expiration date is found on the QR code label attached to each disc. It is recommended that external controls also be tested at appropriate time intervals to confirm that the reagent pool is performing within acceptable limits.


MAGLUMI 2000 Plus

Selectra MACH5

Selectra ProM

DocUReader 2 PRO

DocUReader 2 PRO

Hipro A3

SFRI Hemix 5-60, 5 Diff Hematology Analyzer

IONIX – Microchip electrode without filling

Plate Shaker-Thermostat

Mini-Rocker Shaker

DNARNA UV cleaner box

Thermo-Shaker with cooling for microtubes and PCR plates

Plate Shaker-Thermostat

Mini-Rocker Shaker

DNARNA UV cleaner box

Thermo-Shaker with cooling for microtubes and PCR plates