- +383 49 530 552
- [email protected]
- Ramadan Rexhepi, Ferizaj 70000
09:00 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday)
09:00 - 17:00 (Monday - Friday)
Companny ATOM-MED was founded by Eng. Bekim Murati (general manager) at the end of 2008, he worked in a company with similar activities, this experience gave him the idea and skills. After a short time, he joined another experienced professional Mr. Fitim Jaha, a very important step in the history of ATOM-MED Company.
Our mission is to contribute to the development of public and private health in Kosovo by offering the widest range of high quality medical products, taking as an example the most developed countries in the world.
To become and remain the most respected and trusted company in Kosovo in this field to offer high quality medical products as efficiently as possible to ensure fast deliveries by supplying our stock continuously to launch and promote products new to increase sales of existing products
We are a company with the fastest growing capital in Kosovo that keeps track of the latest local and global trends in the field of medicine with a highly educated and highly experienced compact team that is highly organized and systematized to work in an efficient manner that plans to be the backbone of public and private health services in Kosovo
Over the past years, ATOM-MED team members have managed to establish excellent relationships with a significant number of foreign companies. This helps us to be able to supply the public and private market in Kosovo with a wide range of medical products. We supply medical equipment and laboratory products to the Ministry of Health, hospitals in Pristina, Pejë, Prizren, Gjakovë, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Vushtrri and Mitrovica, about hundreds of family medicine centers, private hospitals, private clinics, private laboratories, diagnostic centers, of radiology and so on. We have managed to create many contacts and friendships with leading doctors and managers in hospitals and private clinics throughout the territory of Kosovo. ATOM-MED has exceptional experience in sales marketing efficiency, which includes: market analysis import/export quality control warehousing sales promotion installation maintenance warranty
Ne konsiderojmë se ekipi i arsimuar mirë dhe shumë i përkushtuar është përparësia kryesore e kompanisë sonë. Ekipi i marketingut me përvojë dhe efikas i marketingut mbështet në mënyrë aktive ekipin e shitjeve me kërkimin e marketingut, bazat e të dhënave të përditësuara të përditshme të mjekëve dhe spitaleve, promovimin e medias, aktivitetet rregullatore dhe post-marketing. Kompania punësoi një ekip shumë të kualifikuar që ka gradë akademike në mjekësi dhe farmaci. Ekipi ynë është i përkushtuar për të organizuar trajnime, punëtori, ekspozita të mallrave, etj. Klientët tanë do të shohin që stafi ynë i kushton vëmendje profesionale të gjitha projekteve – prandaj përmes një angazhimi të mirëfilltë personal, kompania jonë arrin një nivel të lartë të efikasitetit dhe besueshmërisë.