Mix-Rate x20

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an easy, inexpensive, nonspecific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infection, cancer, and autoimmune disease. ESR is a marker of erythrocyte aggregation influenced by blood proteins such as fibrinogen and immunoglobulins in a state of inflammation. Normally, electrostatic forces between RBCs cause them to repel each other and prevent them from clumping together. An increased amount of plasma fibrinogen or globulins coats the RBCs, promotes their aggregation and accelerates settling, thereby increasing the ESR. High molecular weight fibrinogen has the greatest effect followed by β-globulins and at a distance by α2-globulins, γ-globulins and albumin. The Westergren method is the recommended test procedure and also more discriminating at high and low values. It measures the vertical fall (by gravity) of the top of the blood cell column of thoroughly mixed, anticoagulated venous blood over a 1-hour period. br MIX-RATE® X20 from ELITech Group is an automated-closed system manufactured in the Netherlands, built for users who have a higher workload compared to MICROSED. The system has been carefully evaluated and standardized against the Westergren method to establish normal reference ranges, sensitivity and levels of clinical significance. In addition, the MIX-RATE® X20 features a built-in mixer, printer and scanner for more accurate results and ease of use, respectively.
Product features.
  • Infrared gravimetry.
  • 20 channels
  • Closed system to be used with MONOSED® ESR glass tube.
  • Random access
  • Up to 80 tests/h
  • 15 - 30 - 60 min. user selectable read time capability.
  • It has connected well with the Westergren method.
  • Automatic temperature correction (Manley).
  • Integrated thermal printer.
  • On-board mixer for more precision and ease of use.
  • Archive of results of 500 patients.
  • Built-in barcode scanner
  • RS232 interface for LIS.

Mix-Rate x20