Selectra ProXL

Reading speed: 450 tests with ISE and 360 tests without ISE

Number of Repositories: 64 Reagent Locations in Two Trays, Used in Cc10 – Cc25 and CC50 Bottles Equipped With Cooling System | Possibility to use any of the stations as R3-R2-R1 reagents

Reagent sampling system and sample: Dy shiringa prej 1000 μl për grumbullimin e reagentëve dhe dy shiringa 100 μl për mbledhjen e mostrës. Vëllimi i lëvizshëm prej 400-110 μl për R1 dhe vëllimi i lëvizshëm μL 180 për R2 dhe R3 me një kapacitet vjeljeje μl 1, vëllimi i kampionit 30 μl me aftësi nxjerrjeje 0,1 μl, gjilpëra e reagentit e pajisur me një ngrohës fillestar.
Për të parandaluar kontaminimin e reagentëve dhe mostrave, gjilpërat e recetës janë të pajisura me një sensor sipërfaqësor dhe prania e sistemit lejon zbulimin e vëllimit në shishet e referencës. Gjilpërat e reagentit dhe mostrës, përveç sensorit të sipërfaqes, janë të pajisura me një sensor përplasjeje.

Reaction Tray (Cuvette): Me dy tabaka të veçanta reagimi, secila tabaka ka 48 kuveta ndërlidhëse, me sistem larjeje të plotë automatike.
Sistemi i elementeve Peltier ka një temperaturë prej 37 ° C (± 0,1 ° C)

Optical system: 12V 20V halogen bulb Two separate optical systems each have 8 optical filters with wavelengths 340 – 405 – 505 – 546 – 578 – 620 – 660 and 700 nm, each one being interchangeable.

Photometric suffering: Linear photometric suffering -0.1-3.0 with an accuracy of 0.001Abs

Reading methods: Ability to measure with Biochromatic End point and Kinetic Two point, End point, Ability to plot the automatic reaction dilution reaction of specific specimens (samples whose concentrations exceed the line readings of the kit). Perform a calibration of one Spot and multipoint (for tests whose curves are shaped as responses) Prozone Check for immune testing with CUT OFF functionality and compute reagent blank and sample blank calculations if necessary.

Quality control: the ability to define 15 different controls and the possibility of placing 3 controls for a monthly quality control charts test and applying the rules of the westgard

Standards: CB, CE-IVD dhe UL

Computer Specifications and Software: PC with Touch Screen, Windows XP MS Software Included with RS232 Output (Network)

Power consumption and environmental specifications and consumption of distilled water: Vac 240-100 volts and maximum power consumption VA 1K Frequency 60-50 Hz Can be used at ambient temperature 15-15 ° C and humidity 15-88% Distilled water 1 liter per hour

Extras: (According to the order and not available with the device) Bar code reader Isolation of dilute and thick sewage | ISE for measuring Potassium-sodium-Chloride and Co2 | Printer

Dimensions and weight of the device: length 117 cm, width 80 cm, height 115 cm, weight 190 kg

Selectra ProXL